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Managing My Orders - Content Store
Updated over a week ago


To view, manage, download, and publish your orders on Content Store, you will need to log on and go to the "Orders" tab located on the left column on the main page.

The "Orders" main page will appear as the following.

Your orders will be listed below the global map. The orders listed in the table reflects what polygons are visible on the global world. Once you zoom into an area, orders that are no longer visible on the global map will not be visible on the list.

As an example, the image below shows us zoomed in over the Kitchener-Waterloo region in Ontario, Canada. You will notice that the order names and details have changed. Only the orders currently visible in the global map view are now listed.

If you are only interested to see specific information about your orders in the table, you can view your orders information by filtering the following information: ID, name and status, what orders you have selected, date range, data source, and resolution.


How do I download my data?

The download option for your orders is available in the "Actions" column in the table ((...) icon).

Once you click on the button, you will see four options appear: View Details, View On Map, Download, and Publish.

Each of these options provides the following:

View Details

  • View a summary of your order and the details about the product. For example, from the order in the image above, the view details will return the following information on the screen:

Summary of the "View Details" action. Product and order details including the image resolution, estimated cloud coverage, satellite source, frequency of the order, date of capture, type of image, cost of the order, order/pipeline ID, tags (added by user), size of area (km2), and status of the order.

View On Map

  • The "View On Map" option allows you to view a full resolution preview of the product on the global basemap.

  • You can use this feature to view the product prior to downloading to confirm if it is the image you require.

Before "View On Map"

After "View On Map"


  • Download four different file types from your order. These files include:

    • A PNG preview file of your ordered product.

    • A georeferenced COG Tif file.

    • A metadata json file summarizing the details of your delivered data product.

    • A pam.xml metadata file compatible for ArcGIS Pro.


  • On Content Store, you have the option to publish a data product you ordered onto your ArcGIS Online account.

  • This allows you, the user, a clear connection between Content Store and your own ArcGIS Online account, removing the need upload the product separately.

After clicking on "Publish", this message will appear.

Click ""Publish" to publish the data product onto your ArcGIS Online account.

You will be directed to a new webpage showing the message below.

You will then be asked to fill in the following information:

  • Image Service Title: Name of Image Service that will be created. It should be Alpha Numeric, it should be a unique name within your organization.

  • Folder Name: Image Service will be created on the given folder ID. It should be present in your organization.

  • Group Name: Image Service will be shared on the group ID. It should be present in your organization.

Click submit, to officially publish your data to your ArcGIS Online account.

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