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Export or download your content

Learn how to export individually or in bulk

Updated over 11 months ago

Need to attach something to an email or share it broadly?

To export an individual post:

  1. Open the relevant post and click the … menu at the top right corner.

  2. Hover over Export.

  3. Select the desired file format.

    1. If you are exporting to PDF, go here for additional steps.

Download all your content

Admins can export a copy of all published posts and topics in Slab. They, however, cannot export secret topics they are not a part of or drafts.

To download your content:

  1. Click your team name in the top left-hand corner.

  2. Click Team Settings.

  3. Click the Import & Export tab.

  4. Click on the Download next to Published Posts:

  5. Select the file type (Markdown or Docx) and which kinds of topics to download.

  6. Click Download.

After clicking the download button, an email will be sent with the download link. This should take several minutes.

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