If you are experiencing financial hardship of any sorts and believe you will not be able to pay an upcoming payment when it is due, let us know. We will work with you to see if we can arrange a more flexible payment date. It is not guaranteed that we will be able to provide a payment extension but we will do what we can do assist. We understand life can throw unexpected things your way.
How to Request a Payment Extension
Contact us and indicate
The current due date of the payment you are requesting a payment extension for.
Then provide us with the date you want your payment extension to be for.
We will then work to see if we can accommodate your request. If we accept your request we will inform you in writing. It is expected you make the repayment on the new repayment date. Failure to do so places your booking under risk of being cancelled, more details on missed payments can be found
You can only request one payment extension at a time. E.g. you can not request for your next four repayments to all be extended. Rather you will need to request the one closest to its due date.
If we provide you with a payment extension you will need to catch up. You will always need to pay off your flight before you leave.