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Favorability Heatmap

You can create your own "Heatmap" and customize how you want it to be reflected in your surveys.

Emanuel Kasianczuk avatar
Written by Emanuel Kasianczuk
Updated over a week ago

The 'Heatmap is a graphical representation that allows you to quickly and easily visualize the results obtained in the Dimensions you generate as well as the related Questions/Sentences.

This "Heatmap" will allow you to analyze the results by the following demographics (provided they are loaded): "Department", "Office", "Position" and "Manager".

Expansion by dimension

By clicking on each demographic, you will see the favorability obtained in each dimension.

You will be able to see the results of the questions or statements that make up a dimension by expanding it individually.

Or You can expand and/or collapse all of them with the "Expand and/or Collapse all" option.

If these questions have associated comments, you can click on them and access them to analyze them.

Expansion by demographic

If you have demographics such as "Department" and/or "Manager", they may have an expandable option as long as there is a direct dependency relationship.

This means that if "Department1" has "Department2" under its dependence and in turn "Department2" has "Department3", you can expand it as far as information has been loaded, being able to see the results obtained in each one, provided there are enough responses that respect the established confidentiality.

If the option is expandable, you will see it differentiated in another color. In this example, the VP Departments are distinguished.

In "Manager", the expansion works in the same way, but in this case, the highest-level "Manager" will always be shown first, and then the rest of the managers who depend on this one will be disaggregated.


When you go through each of the demographics you select, you can see the participation in each one, which is shown below each specific section.

According to the display limit agreed upon with the organization to protect response confidentiality, the obtained results may or may not be visible.

Full screen

Likewise, if you want to have a wider view of the Heatmap, you can select the "Full Screen" option and work with the extended navigation section.

Configuring colors according to values

From the "CONFIGURATION" function, you can configure the colors that you want to represent in your Heatmap, setting the color according to the favorability percentage that you indicate.

Here, you will have the option to select the range of favorability that will be part of your customized Heatmap.

You can do this before, during, or after you generate a survey, but keep in mind that it will impact all of them.

Keep in mind that you can adjust it as long as the values add up to 100%, otherwise

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