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In this article, you will be able to see alternatives to work on and improve the results of your eNPS.

Emanuel Kasianczuk avatar
Written by Emanuel Kasianczuk
Updated over a week ago

One of Richard Branson's most famous quotes is "Clients do not come first, employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients."

It is proven that an employee who feels engagement and pride in being part of an organization will strive harder to make it successful, and will have a greater determination to ensure that all their customers are satisfied with it. This is why it is very important to work on improving the eNPS indicator before the NPS (the indicator that measures customer satisfaction with a product or service).

Like the NPS, the eNPS scale ranges from -100 to +100, where anything above 0 is a positive result on the indicator, with the following scale:

0 to 50 is considered "GOOD" 50 to 70 is considered "VERY GOOD" 70 to 100 is defined as "EXCELLENT"}

Although it is always good to have this indicator in a continuous improvement phase, when the result is negative, it is necessary to intervene immediately to improve it.

To achieve the goal of improvement, we offer some recommendations:

  • Reach out to all employees, regardless of where they are working. Especially in the current situation, we must take into account those who are teleworking, on client sites, abroad, etc.

  • Facilitate procedures, management and processes. Nobody likes bureaucracy, so facilitating and automating tasks of low value as much as possible is a good way to empathize with our collaborators.

  • Review and improve the Employee Journey Map. Constantly reviewing and improving the "path traveled" by an employee, from the moment they start their functions in our company until they finally graduate, seeking to mitigate pain points, whenever it makes sense to do so.

  • Provide instant and accurate information. Communication is an organizing factor in everyone's life, whether it's good or bad news, it's always an excellent practice to provide key company information at the right time.

  • Offer a feedback channel within the company. Listening to employees is essential if we want to offer a satisfactory internal experience.

  • Train employees and disseminate good practices. There is nothing more uncomfortable and inefficient than placing an employee in a position for which they are not trained. It is key to prepare our collaborators in advance or accompany them with an appropriate training process, so this aspect can also be considered basic.

  • Generate a comfortable and safe work environment. If we see the employee experience as a pyramid, its base is the prevention of occupational hazards, the comfort of the position, the relationship with the environment with which it interacts. Without this, everything else crumbles.

  • Congratulate and recognize achievements. This point is key, as it has no cost for the company and significantly raises the satisfaction of any employee. It is essential and fundamental in the daily management of any team leader.

In summary... The eNPS is an indicator that measures to what extent employees are willing to recommend their company as a place to work to friends or family. The obtained result allows some visibility on the loyalty, satisfaction, and commitment that employees feel towards the company they work for.

Once the data is obtained, it is essential to implement specific actions to improve the results for future eNPS surveys, as this indicator will not improve with the mere fact of obtaining the corresponding information.

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