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Public Link

Tool functions

Emanuel Kasianczuk avatar
Written by Emanuel Kasianczuk
Updated over a week ago

This functionality will allow you to generate surveys with a single "access link", which you can send or publish through the channels you have.

This process can be very useful for those surveys that do not require specific and reliable demographic information, such as that generated by the individualized links administered by Slik that are unique and non-transferable.

This link is recommended for, among others, surveys such as:

  • Recruitment survey, to assess the candidate's experience.

  • Event surveys, to evaluate the quality and content.

  • Training survey, to evaluate the presenter and content.

  • Service survey, to evaluate the provision of it.

The public link is generated by selecting in the AUDIENCE tab, "Share from public link"

Next we will advance to the CONFIGURATION tab:

Here you can complete the welcome message to the survey, the thank you message and the days that will last the survey. Remember that surveys can be scheduled for the desired date and will be saved in our Scheduled surveys.

As the last step, in the FINISH tab we will find the following image:

In this tab you will see a summary of the data generated. It only remains to select "Finish and get link" and the public link will be available and ready to use!

Now it only remains to choose the means of communication by which you want to share it.

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