The average or "MEAN" is used as a calculation method to which you want to give different levels of importance or impact.
In this way, we can incorporate or change to the "Favorability" measurement that Likert gives us with, for example, a response scale from 1 to 5, representing the specific weight (by "default") as follows:
1 = 20
2 = 40
3 = 60
4 = 80
5 = 100
The result that is obtained, in addition to "Favorability" (depending on whether or not we want it to measure both) will calculate the "MEAN".
This "MEAN" arises from the sum of the "weighted results" divided by the number of responses obtained.
It can also be analyzed in the Heatmap, the result will be seen in a heatmap that will facilitate the reading of the results.