New to SLP Toolkit? Start here!
Get ready to keep your caseload more organized than ever before!
Using our “preferred schedule” method and state-of-the-art software, you can have your schedule created in just a few clicks.
Write specific, measurable goals with just a few clicks and easily share strategies and accommodations with IEP teams, teachers and parents.
With SLP Toolkit’s daily data feature, you can quickly and accurately collect and store your data in our secure online system.
Feel confident when answering the question, “Why did you pick those goals?”
This feature makes lesson planning a whole lot easier for you!
Get ready to amaze your IEP team with professional reports at your fingertips!
We're here to help!
Everything you wanted to know about making changes to your account.
Everything you wanted to know about individual and district account pricing.
Everything you wanted to know about student data standards and regulations!