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Employee Profiles
Updated over 4 months ago

Each account member has a profile page containing information like name, email address, hiring date, and a profile picture. Employee profiles are visible to every member of your account.

Profile pages are created when you add an employee to your account. If you import data from a CSV file, you can include information for all the available fields. When you add users individually, you’ll only be able to enter their name and email address during account creation. These profiles can be updated later on.

Editing a profile

Profile pages can be edited by the employee and HR Admins. By default, employees can edit all fields on their profile.

Note: if you use an HRIS integration like BambooHR, Personio, or Namely, Small Improvements will populate employee information from those apps. You’ll need to make edits to employee information in those apps.

Restricting profile editing

HR Admins can restrict employees from editing administrative fields on their profile by clicking Settings > User Management Settings.

When this is enabled, these fields can only be edited by an HR Admin:

  • First and Last Name

  • Login Email

  • Hiring and Termination Dates

  • Title

  • Department

  • Team

  • Location

  • Employee ID

  • Employment Type

  • Termination Type

Employees can edit their preferred name, pronoun, profile picture, and bio.

Hidden profile fields

As an HR Admin, you can use profiles to track employee information. The “Employment type” and “Termination type” fields are only visible to HR Admins when they edit an employee’s profile. That employee won’t see the information on their profile page or when they edit.

The HR Admin view

Additionally, the “Pronoun” field is restricted from the company display, though the employee is able to edit that field. And if the employee has a Chosen/Prefered Name entered, the “First Name” field will not be displayed.

The company’s view, displaying the employee’s ‘Preferred Name’

Attachments on employee profiles

You can attach documents to user profiles to provide access to important information about each employee and help guide performance conversations.

This allows HR Admins to upload relevant documents such job descriptions and user guides. Uploaded files can also be accessed from the Helpful Resources sidebar – making it easy for managers and employees to find when giving feedback.

Attachments can be either public or protected. Public files are public within your account, so any team member within your Small Improvements account can see those files on an employee profile. Protected files are visible to the employee, their management team, and HR Admins.

  • The employee, HR Admin, HR Assistants, and the employee’s direct manager can upload documents

  • The employee, HR Admins, and the employee’s direct manager can delete documents

Employee activity

Each profile contains links to the employee’s performance reviews, 360 feedback, objectives, Praise, 1:1 meetings, and messages. You can only see items you’d have access to through cycle permissions. So an HR Admin would be able to see performance reviews, but the employee’s coworker would not.


To quickly generate a PDF of every review, feedback, and objective for an individual employee, click the Export button on their profile. Employees can export their own data; HR Admins can export data for anyone in the account.

After you press, "Export Data", you’ll see a list of every feedback and objective cycle the employee has participated in. Please note that 1:1 Meetings content will not be included when an admin exports employee data. Each employee must export their own 1:1 Meeting data separately. 1:1 Meetings exports will contain meetings in which the employee was a participant, not meetings that are shared with them. See Exporting 1:1 Meetings for more info.

Lastly, select the information you'd like to export then click “Print” to save as a PDF.

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