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Pass Requests Guide for Students
Pass Requests Guide for Students

Sent and Received Pass Requests

Updated over 11 months ago

What are the different Pass Requests?

Students can interact with three types of pass requests when using SmartPass. These are:

  • Pass request sent by the student

  • Pass request received from a teacher

  • Missed pass request

In this guide, we will take a quick look at each one and its use case.

Pass Request Sent by a Student:

When you want to go somewhere in school but need permission, you can ask your teacher for a Pass. Sometimes, certain places have a lock symbol, which means you'll need approval after you create the pass to make it an active pass.

If you need a Pass for right now, your teacher can approve it, and then you're good to go! But if you asked for a Pass for later, it will show up on the "Upcoming This Week" section.

Pass Request Received from a Teacher:

Sometimes, teachers want to give students a pass to go somewhere but they're not sure where the student will be or if they can come at that time. So, they send a request to the student.

When you get a pass request, you can see what the teacher wants and choose if you want to 'Accept" it or "Decline".

If you click Accept and pick where you're coming from, the request moves to the scheduled passes section.

But if you say Decline, the request goes away. The teacher will know you said no. You can say no by clicking on three dots and then choosing 'Decline Pass Request.’

Missed Pass Requests

If a Student missed the scheduled time for the Requests, they are able to Decline the Request or resend the Request, but with a new Date & Time.


What does the “Enter Teacher Pin” button do?

This button can be used by teachers to approve a pass directly on your device or kiosk. Teachers also have the ability to approve passes from their own devices, which is usually the preferred way.

Can I include a message with my pass request?

Yes! You can attach a message when sending a pass request to a teacher.

Pass requests may also have a message from a teacher. To check if one of these passes has a message, click on the pass to open it and click on the arrow pointing to the right to view the message.

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