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Max Passes To This Room
Max Passes To This Room

For example, only 3 students can be at a restroom at a time.

Updated over 2 months ago

Use Max Passes To A Room to set the amount of students that can have an active pass to this destination at the same time. When the max number of passes is reached, students will be placed in a line to wait.

Schools typically set this up to manage student movement to places like restrooms, water fountains, and lockers to prevent overcrowding in hot-spot areas.

​How to Set Up

  1. As an admin, navigate to the Rooms tab on your admin page and select the room, or room within a folder you wish to add this to.

  2. By scrolling down in the room settings, you will see a setting titled Max Passes To [Name of Room]. Toggle this setting on and select the appropriate number of students you wish to allow at this location on active passes

  3. Click Save.

Best Practices

How many students should I consider for a max capacity in my Restrooms and Water Fountains?

This will depend on your building. We commonly see 4 students per restroom location, although if you have it broken down by boys and girls, this would likely be 2 and 2. For water fountains, a common usage is 1 student per fountain.

Do I need to set a max for all of my offices and classrooms?

Usually not. If you have any room restrictions in place that would require the destination room teacher to approve passes, then there is no need for a capacity. That staff member would only approve the number of passes they are comfortable with.

What happens when the limit is reached?

After the max number of students are out of the room, students will be placed to wait in line. Once it is a student's turn to leave the room, they will be prompted to start their pass. Students will have 30 seconds to accept their awaiting pass.

When it’s a student’s turn to leave the room, they will be prompted to start their pass. They have 30 seconds to accept the pass before the system takes action. If they fail to accept within the time limit and there are others waiting in line, they are moved to the end of the queue. If there is no one waiting, their turn is canceled, and the pass must be recreated.


Can teachers override the line to send a student immediately?

Yes, teachers click Skip the Line to start a student's pass immediately. This is particularly helpful if a student is having an emergency and needs to leave the room now.

What happens if a student misses their turn in line?

If after 30 seconds a student does not accept the pass, and there is someone else in line, they get bumped back a spot. If there is no line behind them their turn is canceled, and the pass would need to be written again.

What happens if a student misses their turn in line?

If after 30 seconds a student does not accept the pass, and there is someone else in line, they get bumped back a spot. If there is no line behind them their turn is canceled, and the pass would need to be written again.

Is there a way to see the list of students waiting to a destination?

No, not at this time.

When teachers create passes for multiple students at the same time, do they wait in line?
No. If a teacher tries to create passes for multiple students at the same time that exceeds the max for the room, the teacher will be prompted to override the limit, and the students will not be added to the waiting line. Teachers can only create passes one at a time consecutively if they want their students to be added to the waiting line.

How does Encounter Prevention work when students are waiting in line?

Students in an Encounter Prevention Group can both get in line, but they cannot have an active pass at the same time.

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