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Create an employee from the planningtool
Create an employee from the planningtool

How to create an employee from the planningtool

Mette Østerbye avatar
Written by Mette Østerbye
Updated over a week ago

It would be boring to only plan shifts for yourself. In Smartplan, you can create employee in two different places. By clicking on "Employees" in the menu or when you are planning a rota. In this article, we will explain how you can do it when you are planning or editing a rtoa.

See how you can create an employee through "Employees" in this article.

In this article, you can read more about:

How to create employees through the planning system

Start by finding the button “Create New Employee”:

A popup, in which you can create an employee, will now appear. You only have to fill out two of the fields: First name and the employees positions in the rota. You can always fill out the rest some other time:

In this example, I have filled out Jessicas first name and I have chosen that she should have the position “Baker”. You might recognize the different positions from when you created your account. The positions are used to tell which kind of shift it is and which skills an employee will need to have, to be able take the shift.

You can also fill out the email if you feel like you are ready to invite your employee to Smartplan. If you fill out the email address, we will send an email to your employee with a link to a site where they can enter Smartplan. It is always possible to wait and send the invitation later, when you feel like you are ready for it.

Click "Create" when you are done. Now the employee is added to the account and visible on the list under the menu item "Employees".

Add extra information about your employees

If you click on the green arrow next to "Extra information", when you create an employee, you will see the option to add extra information about your employee, if necessary.

If you use Smartplan together with your payroll system, you will be able to add the employee's salary number here, which is the number your employee is registered with in the payroll system you use. It is also possible to choose the employee's salary type.

The extra information you see here is some that are standards in the system. You also have the option to add more fields with extra information about your employees under Settings → Smartplan settings → Employee info.

How to add more fields for extra information about your employees

Here you will see the option to add more fields to the extra information about your employees. Click "Add field".

Then you can 1) name the field, 2) choose the type of information in question (whether to fill in a text or date). In addition, you must 3) specify the visibility. This means that you must specify whether the information should only be visible to the administrators of the account, or whether everyone may have access to the information under the "Employee" menu item. Finally, you must choose, 4) who has permission to add/edit the information (whether the information can only be added/edited by administrators, or whether the employees should be able to add/edit the information themselves).

In my example, I would like the employees themselves to be able to add their size in t-shirt and their date of birth, and that this information is visible to everyone under the menu item "Employees".

When you are done, simply press "Save".

Now the employees themselves will be able to add this extra information under the menu item "Me", but the fields can also be filled in by an administrator when they create/edit the employee under the menu item "Employees" or inside the planningtool:

Click "Save Information" after entering the information. Once the information is saved, it will be visible under the menu item "Employees".

If an employee does not receive the invitation email

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens, that an employee does not receive the invitation email from Smartplan.

Always check your spam inbox as emails from Smartplan sometimes end up there.

If an employee still cannot find the invitation email, an admin can send the given employee an activation link. Admins can find this link under the menu item "Employees". Then click on "Resend invitation email" next to the given employee:

Then you will see the option to resend the invitation email by clicking "Send again", but you will also see an activation link, that you can send to your employee. This is the same link, as the employee would receive in the invitation email. Through this link they can activate their user with their email and choose a password:

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