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Publish your staff rota
Publish your staff rota

Make the rota visible to your employees

Mette Østerbye avatar
Written by Mette Østerbye
Updated over a week ago

If you wish to achieve the full potential of your online staff rota, you will need to make it visible to your employees. Therefore, it is time to publish your rota, even though it is not completely finished. You can always go back and edit it.

Click on the big, blue button that says “Publish Rota”:

Smartplan will now tell you that you are publishing your rota to your employees. You can just continue by clicking “Approve and Publish”.

You will now be sent to your rota, which is published and visible to your employees in the system. This is where it gets interesting. Because now, your employees can see and swap their shifts.


If you already want to continue planning it is easy. Simply go to the top of your published rota and click on Edit schedule followed by Edit schedule:

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