Create shifts

Find out how to easily create shifts for your employees

Mette Østerbye avatar
Written by Mette Østerbye
Updated over a week ago

Your employees’ shifts are placed in different periods of time in the rota, and you get to decide how many shifts you want on one day. So let us take a look at how you can easily create these.

In this article, we will go through how you:

When you are going to create a new rota you need to start by choosing which dates the rota should stretch over. You can decide this by clicking on the period field in the top left corner:

As soon as you have chosen a period you can begin creating your shifts. Smartplan will help you get started, simply click on “Add shifts”:

No matter which day you have chosen, this field will now appear:

Add information to your shifts

Now you can fill out the different information. You can start by adding a start and end time for the shift:

Next to the time period you can choose whether the shift is a closing-shift and if the employee should have a non-paid break:

Furthermore, you can decide how the shift should be staffed. Your employees can have different positions and you can adjust which position should cover each shift:

Now you have two options. You can either put the shift as available and staff the shift later. Otherwise, you can staff the shift right away by simply clicking on the arrow:

If you have several shifts placed within the same period of time (in this case from 8am - 4pm) you can easily add them by clicking on “Add another shift”:

If you do this a new line will appear in which you can adjust position and staffing once again:

As soon as you have added all shifts in this period of time simply click on “Create” and these shifts will be placed in your rota:

Add more shifts to the same day

If you need to staff several periods of time on the same day it is no problem to add more shifts. All you have to do is click on “Add shifts”:

When you have done this the information-field will appear and you can fill it out once again:

If you create a shift, you will not have to use anyway it is always possible to delete it. Simply place the mouse over the period of time and click on the “settings”-icon:

When you have clicked on the icon, the field will appear again. However, this time it is possible to click on “Delete timeblock”:

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