Find tax information for federal, state and local government entities, including tax withholding requirements, information returns and e-Services.
Recent developments
Changes to guidance, law and procedures that affect federal, state and local governments.
Clean energy tax credit benefits available
Government and tax-exempt entities can now benefit from clean energy tax credits with new options enabled by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Find out about elective pay and transferability of clean energy tax credits.
Employer information
Tax responsibilities for government entities.
Information returns
Filing and reporting requirements.
Taxpayer identification number (TIN) matching
Tools for TIN matching and other e-Services.
Tax withholding
Federal income, Social Security and Medicare tax withholding.
Employer payroll
Cash and non-cash benefits given to employees in addition to their base wage or salary.
Employee benefits
More information
Find news, events and answers to tax questions.