SchILNR Step 1 Line 2a-2b (Primary Residency Dates OtherStateResidencyFromDate) must be blank when the Nonresident Box is checked (equal to "X") in Step 1 of Form IL-1040 or IL-1040-X.
SchILNR Step 1 Line 2a-2b (Primary Residency Dates OtherStateResidencyToDate) must also be blank when the Nonresident Box is checked.
This error occurs when residency dates are entered in Step 1, Lines 2a-2b on Schedule ILNR, even though the Nonresident Box is marked on Form IL-1040 or IL-1040-X. Nonresidents are not required to provide residency dates.
Steps to Fix:
Verify Residency Status:
Check Step 1 of Form IL-1040 or IL-1040-X.
Ensure that the Nonresident Box is checked (marked as "X") if the taxpayer is a nonresident.
Navigate to Schedule ILNR
Locate Schedule ILNR (Illinois Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Schedule) in the return.
Remove Incorrect Dates
Find the Primary Residence and Other State Residency fields.
Delete any dates entered in these fields.
Run Diagnostics and Resubmit
Run Diagnostics in TaxWise to check for errors.
Save the return and resubmit for e-filing.
Common Causes:
Residency dates were mistakenly entered for a nonresident taxpayer.
Incorrect residency status was selected on Form IL-1040 or IL-1040-X.
Refile the Return:
After making these corrections, retransmit the return. This should resolve the error.
If the issue persists or you need further assistance, feel free to contact support.