Open Page 2 of Form 8867
Click 8867 Pg 2 in the tax software.
Answer the Due Diligence Questions (if applicable):
Question 10: Confirm if the taxpayer’s dependent(s) claimed for Child Tax Credit (CTC), Other Dependent Credit (ODC), etc. are a U.S. citizen, national, or resident.
Question 11: Verify with the taxpayer that they are eligible to claim the dependent(s) listed on the return.
Question 12: If applicable, confirm whether the taxpayer is eligible to claim the dependent(s) in cases of divorce or separation.
Question 15: Ensure that all answers are completed to the best of your knowledge and ability.
🔹 For step-by-step guidance, proceed to Step 9 for due diligence instructions:
Tutorial: How to complete the due diligence form 8867