Filing your taxes can be overwhelming, but entering your 1098 form, property taxes, and real estate taxes doesn't have to be complicated. Follow these simple steps to ensure accurate reporting.
Steps to Enter Your Information:
Add Schedule A to Your Return
Click the + button to add Schedule A if it's not already included in your tax return.
Confirm Schedule A is Added
Once again, click the + to ensure Schedule A is included.
Enter Real Estate Taxes
Any real estate taxes listed on your Form 1098 should be entered in this section.
State & Local Property Taxes
Input state and local property taxes, such as those listed on your Form 1098, in the designated section.
Enter Mortgage Interest and Points
Use the Interest You Paid section to enter mortgage interest and points reported on your Form 1098.
Refer to an Example
An example is shown here for reference to ensure correct entry.
Additional Resources
For a visual step-by-step tutorial, check out this guide:
Tutorial: How to enter 1098, property taxes, and real estate taxes
Following these steps ensures accurate setup. Double-check all entries to avoid issues. If you experience difficulties, refer to the tutorial linked above or contact support for assistance.