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Time Triggers
Written by Karoline Gross
Updated over a week ago

Time Triggers allow us to get certain actions done when the video reaches a desired time. Please contact your Account Manager if you would like to use this functionality.

We currently can find two Time Triggers:

Jump to Video Time

This Time action will automatically jump to a specific time. Meaning this will redirect the users to a desired time/moment of the video once a specific time is reached.


For example, if you would like users to choose one of each option below (SURF or FLY) you could force that part of the video to loop until the users have chosen one or the other.

See below how you would do this in the editor. This would mean once the second 8:83 is reached in the video, it will jump back to the second 3:31.


Alternatively, you could also decide to use Jump to Video time to take the users toward the end of the video once a specific time is reached. See below how you would do this. This would mean once the second 8:83 of the video is reached, it will jump forward to the second 15:13.

Open Drawer

This will automatically open the side product carousel at the time this tag is been added to the timeline. You can add this tag by dragging and dropping it just as you would do with a product.

For example, if I would like the side product carousel to open at a specific time in the middle of the video, I could drag and drop the 'Open Drawer' Time action to do so. See the below example.

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