Snak™ Result Descriptions

Multiple data points are collected, recorded, and displayed on a Snak™ Results page. Learn what these different data points mean.

Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over a week ago

Page Views

A participant has landed on the Snak™ (in the browser) but has not yet clicked the play button, therefore not starting the Snak™.

The Page Views data point records how many times a Snak™ was presented to a user. This value increases by 1 each time a Snak™ is opened.

For example, if a participant opens a Snak™ 5 times, this value will increase by 5.

Snak™ Views

A participant has landed on the Snak™ (in the browser) and has clicked on the play button, therefore starting the Snak™.

This Snak™ Views data point is similar to the Page Views one, however, it records how many times the Snak™ has been played. Each time a participant opens a Snak™ and clicks on the play button, this value increases by 1.

For example, if a participant clicks the play button (on the landing screen) 5 times, this value will increase by 5.

Unique Snak™ Views

A participant has landed on a Snak™ (in a specific browser i.e., Google Chrome) and has clicked on the play button.

If a participant revisits a Snak™ multiple times, using the same browser and/or device, it will only count as 1 unique Snak™ view. However, if the same participant revisits the same Snak™ using a different browser and/or device, it will be seen as a different participant and increase this value by an additional 1.

Avg View Time

The Average View Time is recorded (in seconds) according to the average last Cue™ visited in a Snak™. Cues™ are placed in a Snak™ at different time points in the timeline, therefore if a participant ends or leaves a Snak™ at a specific Cue™, this time point is recorded and the average displayed.

CTR: Click Through Rate

The CTR is represented as a percentage of the number of participants who selected an option which led them to an external webpage.

For example, 2 participants go through a Snak™. 1 out of the 2 participants selects an option which leads them to an external webpage. This will result in a CTR of 50%.

Engagement (Avg number of clicks)

Engagement is the average number of clicks (on Cues™) across all participants, that they interact with in a Snak™.

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