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Congress Preparation Checklist for the running of Snaks™
Congress Preparation Checklist for the running of Snaks™

This checklist will help you prepare for the technical and logistical aspects of Snaks™ to ensure uninterrupted, high-quality interactions.

Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over a week ago

In the dynamic world of congresses and conventions, a seamless presentation and interaction experience can significantly elevate your brand's impact. Our Snaks™ offer a state-of-the-art way to engage, inform, and captivate audiences. To ensure you harness its full potential and provide an unforgettable experience for attendees, careful preparation is paramount.

This checklist is designed with two main goals in mind:

  1. Optimization: To guarantee that all technical and logistical aspects of Snaks™ run smoothly, ensuring uninterrupted and high-quality interactions.

  2. Engagement: To equip your team with the best practices, ensuring they're confident in using and demonstrating the Snak™, leading to more meaningful interactions with attendees.

Before diving into the hustle and bustle of the congress, take a moment to walk through this comprehensive guide. It'll serve as a roadmap to ensure that every interaction powered by the Snak™ leaves a lasting impression.

Ensure all preparations are checked off well before the congress date to guarantee smooth running and maximum engagement with your Snaks™.

Technical Preparations

  1. Internet Connection: Have you arranged for, or do you have a reliable high-speed internet connection?

  2. Backup Internet Source: Consider a secondary Wi-Fi source or mobile hotspot in case of connectivity issues.

  3. Charging Stations: Are there adequate charging points or external battery packs for devices?

Content Preparations

  1. Content Review: Familiarize yourself with the latest Snak™ content and ensure it aligns with the congress's theme and your goals.

  2. Offline Mode: Download essential content for offline access in case of connectivity issues.

  3. Content Backup: Have backup copies of the content on a secure cloud or external drive.

Booth/Stand Set-Up

  1. Screen Displays: If using large screens or projectors, test them with the Snak™ for resolution and interactivity.

  2. Interactive Zones: Designate specific areas for interactive sessions or demonstrations using Snaks™.

  3. Sound: Ensure any audio content is audible and consider headphones or sound booths for individual interactions.

Pro Tip: Enhance the experience by mirroring the screen of the iPad/Tablet that is running the Snak™ to a larger display, such as a TV. This allows everyone to view and participate in the activity more easily. This will draw a crowd for more interaction!

Staff Preparations

  1. Training: Ensure all staff members are trained on the Snak™ and can answer questions or troubleshoot basic issues.

  2. Scheduling: Schedule breaks and shifts to ensure there's always someone familiar with the Snak™ at the booth.

Additional Considerations

  1. Emergency Contacts: Have a list of technical support contacts for immediate assistance with the Snak™ or other IT concerns.

  2. Promotional Materials: Consider accompanying print materials or QR codes to direct attendees to the Snak™ content pre and post-congress.

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