About Delete Fakes

What are the conditions required to Delete Fakes?

Bekah K. avatar
Written by Bekah K.
Updated over a week ago

This feature will allow you to delete any participant, entity, or POS element with the name of “Fake.” This is a helpful way to delete any “Fake” or “Test” data which may have been used during Implementation/Training or testing. The word the software looks for is “Fake” and only “Fake” – names such as “Fakest,” “Faker,” etc. will not be recognized by this feature as a security measure to ensure that you aren't deleting any real data where "fake" may be included as part of the name.

To be considered a "Fake" be ETO software:

  • Participants may have the first or last name Fake.

  • Entities must begin with the word Fake - if it is an individual then the first name of the entity must be Fake.

  • POS elements must begin with the word Fake.

All data associated with the fake participants, entities, and POS elements will be deleted. This includes any efforts, assessments, TouchPoint responses, workflows, etc. that have been attached to the participants or entities. This feature is site specific, so it will need to be performed for each site and cannot be scoped down to program level. To  allow deletion of an entry, you can go to View/Edit Participant, View/Edit Entity, or Manage Point of Service to write over the existing name with the word "Fake" if it was not added as a fake initially.

Depending on how many Fakes are in the database and how many records (TouchPoint responses, program enrollments, referrals, etc.) are associated with them, Delete Fakes can be a very resource-demanding feature to execute. When deleting more than a few participants at a time with many dependent records, Social Solutions recommends using this feature on off-peak-hours so the process does not slow down your users’ experience in other areas of the software.

For more information on Delete Fakes, click here.

Please contact customer support if you need more information or additional assistance. 

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