Deleting Accidental Program Dismissal
Taylor Roderick avatar
Written by Taylor Roderick
Updated over a week ago

In order to undo a dismissal for a client we have to delete their dismissal record and re-enroll them. By default, only Site Administrators are able to edit and delete Program History Records. This setting can be adjusted in Manage My Site. ย 

The first part of the process is to delete the inaccurate Program History: ย 

  1. In the Site Navigation bar, select Participants.

  2. Select View/Edit Participant.

  3. Check off Include Dismissed Participants in Results.

  4. Search for and select the participant's name.

  5. Click the Program History button at the top of the page - NOTE THE PROGRAM START DATE.

  6. Delete the Program History that includes the accidental dismissal.

Once you have deleted the program dismissal you will need to re-enroll the participant.

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