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Where can I see the homebase details (results)?
Where can I see the homebase details (results)?
Lukas De Pauw avatar
Written by Lukas De Pauw
Updated over a week ago

You can go to 'Recruit', 'Homebases'.

Hover your mouse over the homebase you want to see the results of. Click on 'View homebase detail'.

The first sub menu is 'Overview': you can see the total number of visitors and visitors this month, as well as the total number of ambassadors for this month.
You can also check the percentages for each source, so you will know which source was more successful on the number of visitors as well as on the number of subscriptions.


There is also a timeline to see which month was the best recruiting month, and a chart of the number of visitors and ambassadors.


The second sub menu is 'Sources': if you hover with your mouse, you can edit source, link & embed, or remove the source. You can also click on 'view source' to see the details of this source. There, you also have the delete, edit and view functions.


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