If you’re using Solo’s desktop mode and notice that images aren’t loading or formatting looks off, it may be due to your browser or device version.
Supported Browsers & Devices
For the best experience, we recommend:
The latest version of Chrome on macOS 11 or newer.
Safari 17 or newer, available on macOS 14 or newer.
We recommend using the latest version of Chrome or Edge. Older browsers may cause issues with images and formatting.
Use iPadOS 17 or newer for the best experience.
🔗 How to update your iPad
Android Tablets
Use the latest version of Chrome from the Google Play Store.
Future Browser Support
We’re working on expanding support for additional browsers, including older versions of Safari, in the coming weeks.
If you’re still experiencing issues, try updating your browser or device software, or contact us via the in-app chat for assistance.