Both the PVT-B and PFTT are powerful tools designed to monitor mental fatigue, but their applications differ based on specific training objectives.
PVT-B (Psychomotor Vigilance Task -Brief)
The PVT-B is most effectively used when the primary goal is to monitor mental fatigue. This test is specifically designed to assess how mental fatigue affects cognitive alertness and reaction times. By administering the PVT-B, you can gain detailed insights into an athlete's mental fatigue levels and overall cognitive readiness, making it an essential tool for evaluating how well an athlete can maintain focus and respond to stimuli under conditions of mental strain.
When to Use the PVT-B
Monitor Mental Fatigue: Use the PVT-B to assess mental fatigue after cognitive training sessions.
Readiness: Implement this test to evaluate an athlete's mental readiness and detect signs of mental fatigue.
Example of PVT-B in Action
In the video example below, you can see how challenging the training session was.
📍 At the Start (21:19) – Fresh & Focused
• Reaction Time: 356ms (quick responses).
• Accuracy: 100% (perfect focus).
• Variation: 13% (consistent performance).
• Lapses: 1 (minimal attention errors).
📍 At the End (22:30) – Mentally Fatigued
• Reaction Time: 372ms (slower responses).
• Accuracy: 100% (still perfect, but slowing down).
• Variation: 20% (less consistent reactions).
• Lapses: 4 (more frequent attention errors).
By monitoring PVT-B data, you can see that the session was challenging enough to induce mental fatigue. Ideally, you’d want to see PVT-B return to baseline levels by the next session. If pre-session values rise over the week, this may indicate the athlete needs more recovery time.
Keeping an eye on mental fatigue levels with the PVT-B is a quick and effective test. We recommend tracking PVT-B over at least a month to establish a normal baseline for your athletes and adjust training loads accordingly.
PFTT (Psychomotor Fatigue Threshold Test)
The PFTT is best suited for identifying the precise moment an athlete crosses the psychomotor fatigue threshold during physical training. As physical intensity increases, cognitive performance initially improves, reaching a peak where the brain functions at its highest capacity. However, beyond this peak, cognitive functions, such as reaction time, begin to decline, even if the body continues to perform physically. The PFTT helps pinpoint this critical threshold, allowing coaches to optimize training programs. This might involve keeping the athlete within their optimal performance zone or deliberately pushing them beyond it to enhance their cognitive resilience. Research suggests that this threshold is not fixed and can be improved with consistent, targeted training.
When to Use the PFTT
Identify Psychomotor Fatigue Threshold: Use the PFTT to pinpoint the exact moment an athlete crosses the psychomotor fatigue threshold during physical training.
Optimize Training Programs: Best for determining when cognitive performance peaks and begins to decline as physical intensity rises. This allows you to maintain athletes at their optimal level or push them beyond it to enhance cognitive capacity.
Example of PFTT in Action
In the video below, you can see how the athlete’s performance changed over time during training.
📍 At the Start (10:38) – Strong Performance
• Reaction Time: 331ms (quick).
• Accuracy: 96% (very high).
• Variation: 15% (consistent performance).
• HRV: 100.70 (good).
• The athlete is performing well.
📍 Peak Performance (10:51) – Best Cognitive State
• Reaction Time: 310ms (fastest reaction time).
• Accuracy: 96% (still high).
• Variation: 14% (most stable performance).
• HRV: 104.61 (good).
• This is where the athlete is functioning at their highest capacity.
📍 Crossing the Fatigue Threshold (11:05) – Cognitive Decline Begins
• Reaction Time: 348ms (slower responses).
• Accuracy: 84% (dropped significantly).
• Variation: 22% (less consistent reactions).
• HRV: 67.75 (diminished).
• The athlete has crossed the Psychomotor Fatigue Threshold (PFT), meaning their brain is now struggling to keep up, even though their body can still perform.