A cycle determines how many times an athlete should repeat a session.
Setting Cycles for Different Sessions
Baseline Sessions: Set at 2 cycles to ensure the athlete completes a baseline test at the start of the training plan and repeats the same session at the end for comparison.
Standard Training Sessions: Typically set at 1 cycle per session to allow cognitive load adjustments in the following weeks.
Priming Sessions: If an athlete needs to repeat a session for priming or other specific purposes, set the cycle accordingly.
Mental Fatigue Monitoring: Set at 31 cycles to track cognitive readiness on a daily basis.
Example Layouts
Traditional Training Structure
• Baseline Session: Cycles: 2
• Sessions 1–12: Cycles per session: 1
Training with Priming Sessions
• Baseline Session: Cycles: 2
• Sessions 1–12: Cycles per session: 1
• Priming Session: Cycles: 12 (Performed before events or training as needed)
Training with Mental Fatigue Monitoring
• Baseline Session: Cycles: 2
• Sessions 1–12: Cycles per session: 1
• Priming Session: Cycles: 12 (Performed before events or training as needed)
• Mental Fatigue Monitoring: Cycles: 31 (Performed daily)