Experimental feature
This is an experimental feature. Please contact support to have this enabled on your account.
You can copy a jobrun if you want to copy all of its one-off visits to a new date. For regular lawn and garden visits, we recommend using repeating visits to schedule regular work. However, sometimes you might want to use the "copy jobrun" functionality when:
you perform a pre-defined group of visits together on the same day and
those visits happen more than once but don't repeat on a regular basis
For example you provide snow-removal services in the winter and need to schedule a snow run when it snows. Since you don't know when it's going to snow, you cannot set up the snow plowing visits on a regularly-repeating basis. So what you can do is:
The first day it snows for the season, create one or more jobruns with all your snow-removal visits. The visits should all be one-off visits.
The next time it snows you can copy those job runs to a new day.
When you copy that jobrun, all your visit details and order of visits will be maintained in the copied run.
How to copy a job run:
Click on the dropdown in the job run you want to copy
Click the "copy job run" link
Enter the date you want for your new job run
Choose which crew to assign it to.
The system will create a new copy of all the one-off visits in that schedule. Please note that we do not copy over repeating visits.