Offering a quick response helps build trust in our community and makes it easier for guests to find a space. That’s why we ask our hosts to respond to booking requests, inquiries, and all other messages within 24 hours.
When you receive an inquiry or booking request, respond within 24 hours to be one step closer to a confirmed booking. Guests who have already arrived at your space also appreciate a quick response.
What Counts as a Response?
A response depends on the type of communication you receive from the guest.
Booking request: Accepting or declining counts as a response.
Inquiry: You can:
Invite them to book the dates they inquired about
Send a special offer suggesting different prices or dates
Send a message
Decline if you cannot rent
For all other messages from current or potential guests, send a message to keep your response rate updated.
What happens if I don’t respond within 24 hours?
If you take more than 24 hours to respond, it will be considered a late response, which will lower your response rate and increase your response time. The response rate can affect the position of your listing in search results.