It happens—plans change! If a guest needs to cancel their reservation, we’re here to help you with a quick rebound.
When a guest cancels:
We’ll notify you immediately
We’ll unblock the reservation dates
We’ll coordinate payouts and refunds
Your payout when a guest cancels
If you're owed a payout, we’ll send it 24 hours after your guest's scheduled check-in time—how long it takes for you to receive the money depends on your bank or financial institution.
Your calendar when a guest cancels
If your guest cancels, we’ll unblock the dates on your calendar right away so you’re available to get another booking.
Guest refunds when they cancel
Guests who cancel will receive an automatic refund if your cancellation policy permits it.
If your guest cancels after check-in
If a guest cancels after they’ve already checked in, they must vacate your place immediately, and the terms of your cancellation policy will still apply.