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What do spin-effect, power-value, spin and speed mean?
What do spin-effect, power-value, spin and speed mean?

Stroke quality parameters

Lutz Körner avatar
Written by Lutz Körner
Updated over a week ago

The live measurement of spin (rps) and speed (km/h) as well as the two derived parameters, spin effect and the power value, are at the heart of digitally supported training with the Spinsight app.

The feedback on these four parameters helps to evaluate the quality of the shot and to train in a targeted manner. The impact quality must always be interpreted in the context of the intention of use and all other parameters.

Stroke quality parameters:

  • Spin (rps): Rotations of the ball per second

  • Speed (km/h): Velocity of the ball

  • Placement*: Bounce point of the ball

  • Flight altitude*: Flying height above the net or trajectory
    *(not yet integrated in the app measurement)

Stroke quality parameters derived by calculation:

  • Spin-Effect: The ratio of spin to speed

  • Power-Value (km/h): Total speed of the ball (rotation speed + movement speed)


The spin effect indicates the ratio of spin (rps) to speed (km/h).

This ratio influences the bounce behavior of the ball and the necessary adjustment reaction of the opponent.

The values measured with the app always refer to the deviation of the neutral value (2.21 rps / km/h = "Rolling case"), which is specified as 1 = neutral.

  • Spinny (>1,4):
    The incoming ball has significantly more rotations than speed. In this case, the opponent must adjust his stroke (racket angle), e.g. “closing” when blocking against a spinny topspin. Due to the friction on the table, the incoming ball bounces flat and faster, it “kicks”.

  • Neutral (0,4 to 1,4):

    The incoming ball has a “normal” ratio of spin to speed, which approximates the natural rolling behavior of the ball. The opponent can return the neutral incoming ball without adjusting his stroke (racket angle). The bounce of the incoming ball on the table is not or only slightly affected.

  • Speedy (<0,4)
    The incoming ball has only slightly more, the same or even fewer rotations than speed.

    In this case, the opponent must adjust his shot (racket angle), e.g. “open” when blocking against a speedy topspin or counter-stroke. Due to the friction on the table, the incoming ball bounces higher and slower.

Calculation examples (at 45 km/h):

  • 1,4 Spinny: 45 * 2,21 * 1,4 = 140 rps

  • 1,0 Neutral: 45 * 2,21 * 1,0 = 100 rps

  • 0,4 Speedy: 45 * 2,21 * 0,4 = 40 rps


The power value combines spin and speed.

It indicates the total speed transferred to the ball (speed of rotation + speed of movement) in km/h.

For this purpose, the spin (in rps) is converted into km/h and then added to the speed (in (km/h).

  • A higher power value indicates a higher quality shot.

  • Power values of up to 140 km/h (spin + speed) have been measured in male professionals.

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