Colchester Secure Bike Park Location
The Colchester Hub is located on Sir Isaacs Walk, in a courtyard located by the Tea Rose Cafe.
You can cycle right up to the door. Please note there is a gate in front of the courtyard, and this is locked before 7am and again after 10pm. You will not be able to access the unit outside of this time.
If the gate is shut when you arrive during opening hours, you can open it by pushing the large button behind the keypad.
Please note: The door opening at the Colchester Secure Bike Park is 67cm wide, which will allow most but not all pedal-powered vehicles access.
Entering the space
Find your booking ticket for the day and press “Get Entry Code” to reveal the main entry code for the door.
Enter the code into the keypad on the door.
When entering the code please make sure you enter the star before the 6 digits.
If the code is entered wrong a few times the lock can stop functioning for around 30 seconds as a security measure so please give it a chance to re-set before entering again.
Please enter the code slowly - the lock is not time sensitive so take your time and press the buttons gently.
Please note that entry codes will not show up until the day of the booking.
This code will run until 10pm. Please note you will not be able to access the facility after this time because the courtyard is locked shut.
If returning after normal working hours, the gate may be closed. Please note that the keypad will be unlocked until 10pm - simply reach out behind the gate to open it as normal. Please make sure to shut the gate behind you when leaving.
Parking your bike
Please make sure that you park your bike in the allocated space. This is found within your booking ticket under “Space”.
Checking Out
When you've finished with Daily booking, pressing "Check Out" will finish your booking and place your individual rack inside a Hub or Outdoor Locker back online, for other cyclists to book.