Log in to your Spriggy Schools canteen account
Navigate to Menu Editor. You are in the 'Item List' by default.
Click on the Item Options menu
Click the Add Option button
Give your option a name eg "Sauce (Select One)"
Give the option a description eg "Sauce"
Select a rule for the option eg "Required - 1 Selection"
Click Add
The option has been created. Add the selection choices on the right hand side.
Name the choice eg "Tomato Sauce"
Give the choice a price eg "0.50"
Click Add
Continue until all choices have been added as required
Scroll down to the 'Items Linked' section
Navigate to the item you want to link the option to by first finding the category in the drop down box
Click the +Plus button to the right of the item you want to link the option to
Add the option to as many items as required. All items linked are listed on the left hand side under 'Items Linked'
To turn the option off, click the Bin button next to the item in the 'Items Linked' list
Click NEXT to go to the next topic in Menu Editor