Adding a new date

This article will go over how to add a new standalone or attached date to your calendar.

Justin Morabito avatar
Written by Justin Morabito
Updated over a week ago

There might come a need to add a new date to your calendar that isn't a part of a job. You can do this right from your Sprout Studio calendar.

To add a new date, go to Overview > Calendar and click the "Add New" button at the top of the page to open the date modal.

Add the title of the date at the top and choose when it's for. You can click the "TBD" toggle if it's undetermined at this point, or uncheck the "All Day" toggle to specify a time. 

A Scheduler will let the client choose from available time slots on a calendar. You can add a scheduler by clicking the "Add Scheduler" button on the right side of the modal. Add your scheduler from the dropdown menu, or click "Create New" to create a new scheduler.

You can add in an address, attach it to a Lead or Shoot (if you need to), and add in internal notes about the date. When you're finished, click "Create" at the bottom. This button will say "Update + Email" if there's a scheduler attached. It will then prompt you to send your client an email with the scheduler link attached.

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