Sending an Email
Justin Morabito avatar
Written by Justin Morabito
Updated over a week ago

You can send outgoing emails from Sprout Studio. Emails can either be:

  • Attached to a lead or shoot, and therefore organized on that Leads or Shoots page. Go to the Leads/Shoots > Emails page to view all emails sent for a specific lead or shoot.

  • Unattached, and therefore not organized on a specific lead or shoot. Go to the Overview > Emails page to view all emails sent (including those attached and unattached).

How to send an email in Sprout Studio

There are six ways to send an email in Sprout Studio:

  1. Go to the Overview > Emails page and click the "Add New" button at the top of the page. This will send an email that is unattached to a lead or shoot.

  2. Go to the Leads/Shoots > Overview page, click the "Quick Add" button on the right-hand side of the page, then click the "Send Email" button. This will send an email that is attached to that lead or shoot.

  3. Go to the Leads/Shoots > Emails page and click the "Add New" button at the top of the page. This will also send an email that is attached to that lead or shoot.

  4. A workflow can send an email as one of the steps (i.e. 2 days after inquiry, send the "Follow-Up Email").

  5. An automatic email can be sent when a corresponding action is made (i.e. when an invoice is paid, your client will receive a receipt). Go to Settings > Automation > Assistant to edit your automatic email settings and toggle them on or off.

  6. Clicking "Publish & Email" on many Sprout items (i.e. a booking proposal, a gallery, or an album proof) will publish the item and open the "Compose Email" modal for you to send the item to your client. Go to Settings > Account > Account Defaults to set the email template that is initially populated in this modal for various items. Just note, in order to set an email as a default, you need to use the variable for that asset in the email (use [[booking_link]] in your Booking Proposal email, use [[gallery_link]] in your Gallery email, etc.) Doing this lets Sprout know that you intend to use this template for that purpose.

How to use the "Compose Email" modal

When writing an email using methods #1, 2, or 3 above, you'll be using the "Compose Email" modal, which allows you to set the following:

  • To field - This is who the email is going to. You can manually type in an email address, or click the "+" button to search for a contact in your Sprout account. You can send an email to multiple people, simply click the "space bar" after typing in an email address, and Sprout will allow you to type another email or add another contact.

  • CC and BCC field - Similar in functionality to the To field. The CC field sends the email to an additional email address, and BCC field sends the email to another email address discreetly.

  • Subject - A quick TL;DR of the email. This is usually a quick sentence or a few words describing what the email is about.

  • Choose a template - Click the "Template" button at the end of the "Subject Line" field to use an email template and automatically populate the contents of the email. Go to Settings > Communication > Email Templates to edit your email templates.

  • Email contents - The content of your email. This is where you'll put your message to your client.

  • Email Type - To the right of the Subject field, you can select to send a Plain, Pretty, or Designer E-mail.

  • Email variables - Click any of the "Variables" buttons at the top of the content editor to insert common variables. These change depending on where you're sending the email from. For example, if you're sending an email from a lead, you will have the option to auto-fill the client name, address, email, etc.

  • Attachment - Click on the "Attach" button to attach a file to the email.

  • Send - You can choose to send the email now by clicking the "Send" button, or you can schedule the email to be sent at a later time by clicking the down arrow next to the "Send" button and selecting the "Send Later" option.

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