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What is an Enhanced Trip Page and how do I turn it on?
What is an Enhanced Trip Page and how do I turn it on?

Enhanced Trip pages are the SEO and mobile optimized template for all trip organizers. Discover what's new and why you should turn it on!

Updated over a week ago

Intended Audience: Trip organizers who want to know the difference between the old vs. Enhanced Trip page design.

Article Summary: Enhanced Trip pages have a user friendly design, SEO optimized, and mobile friendly. Added features such as Trip Organizer description, social media links in the footer, interactive location map, and refreshed icons are among the updates. To turn the new pages on, Trip Organizers must toggle the "Enhanced Trip Design" on under Publish & Preview within the trip builder.

Table of Contents:

What are Enhanced Trip Pages?

Think of it as trip page 2.0. Since trip pages are a critical part in your traveler’s travel experience, we redesigned the pages so they're easier to navigate, visually optimized for mobile usability, SEO, and most importantly booking conversions.

What about the old design?

It's still alive and well. Enhanced Trip page designs are turned off by default for all existing trips. It's up to you if you'd like to turn it on... but we highly recommend it. We'll explain why.

Top 6 new features:

Bigger and better photos

Did you know 93% of travelers make decisions on where to travel based on photos of cool places? With the Enhanced Trip Pages, you can let powerful photos of the destination do all the talking. Enhanced trip pages support larger photo dimensions for the main photo, itineraries, and packages.

🤫 Coming soon: Multiple photos for trips pages, packages, and add-ons!

Refreshed and new activity and itinerary icons

With over 40 new and refreshed icons, it’s easier than ever to grab your traveler’s attention and let them know what’s included in their trip registration or what activities to expect each day of the trip. From wedding rings to beer cups to lotus leaves, you’ll find an icon that represents any activity or offering. If you don’t see icon you’re looking for, let us know! We’ll add it.

Add icons for custom activities

Want to add a custom amenity or activity for a particular day? You can now select an icon to go along with the custom amenity. Snowboarding or ski rentals included?

Here’s how to add a custom activity:

  1. Click “Add new activity”

  2. Add a short name

  3. Add a brief description

  4. Select an icon

  5. Click “Add activity”

Interactive destination map

Let your travelers know exactly where they’re headed! Trip pages now have an interactive map that identifies exactly where the trip destination is. Travelers can explore the surrounding areas and feel confident knowing exactly where they’re headed.

Label for limited number of packages available

Almost sold out, but not quite? Create a sense of urgency for travelers by letting them know there are only 5 packages remaining!

By enabling the premium feature Promotion Label, when there are 5 or less packages available, travelers will see a “Only 5 remaining!” tag. When a traveler purchases the package, the count is updated to show “Only 4 remaining!”

To enable Promotion Label, go to Trip Builder > Packages > toggle on Enable Promo Label

Trip Organizer descriptions

Let travelers know who you are and what your travel brand is all about. Enhanced trip pages have a section dedicated to your travel organization description. Add a logo icon and company description by clicking Settings > Company Settings

☝️ Note: Only Company Admins can edit the description. If you are a Sub-Admin user, contact your Company Admin to update this field.

Expanded custom branding capabilities

From custom primary and secondary colors, social media links, to reduced SquadTrip branding, custom branded trip pages are guaranteed to elevate your brand presence.

Setting Custom Brand Colors

Your brand colors set you a part. These colors apply to each trip page and can be updated for each trip.

  • Primary color selection will update buttons, page header, and page footer.

  • Secondary color options will update your button hover states, text links, and icons.

Update your colors by going to the Trip Builder > Design & Branding > Primary / Secondary Colors.

Adding Social Media Links

Have more to share on your social platforms? Add your own social media and website links to the footer of your trip page. To add social links, go to Settings > Company Branding.

Example of a custom branded footer:

Social media icons will appear for the links that have URLs added. If you do not add a URL, the icon will not appear.

☝️ Note: Trip page colors can vary between trip. However, company logos, icons, and social media icons apply to all trip pages. We recommend selecting colors that are compatible with your logo and social media icons.

SEO and mobile optimized for conversions

Trip pages are now optimized for SEO. We’ve restructured the backend to ensure trip pages are easily crawlable by search engines. Additionally, the URLs of trip pages have been updated to include the trip name.

On mobile, we’ve added a sticky “book now” button so travelers always have the option to book without scrolling to find the package section.

💡 Pro Trip: We recommend adding key words and destinations in your trip name!

How to turn on Enhanced Trip Pages

Ready to elevate your brand presence and sell out your trip? Here's how you can enable Enhanced Trip Pages.

  1. Go to the Trip Builder of a specific trip

  2. Navigate to the Preview and Publish tab

  3. Toggle on Enable Enhanced Trip Page

When you turn Enhanced Trip Pages on, the following changes will occur after clicking Save.

  1. SEO-friendly URLs can be copied and shared

  2. The preview page will be refreshed to display the new layout

  3. Enhanced Trip Page-specific features will be enabled on your trip page

💡 Pro tip: To take full advantage of the updates, we recommend completing the following steps before turning on Enhanced Trip Pages.

  1. Prevent photo pixelation by ensuring your trip photos are a larger dimension. If the file size is too large (> 5MB), you can take a screenshot of the photo and upload the screenshot.

  2. Add a company description. Share a little more about why you plan trips and what sets your experiences apart.

  3. Add a company icon. Company icons are typically smaller, square photos. This will be displayed next to your organization's name.

  4. Add social media and website links.

  5. Turn on Promotion Labels so customers know when there's a limited quantity of packages left!

Frequently asked questions

Do the URLs of my current trip pages still work?

Yes. All existing URLs will continue to work. If you enable enhanced trip pages, the design of the trip page will update. No need to swap or delete your existing URLs from your social or promotional channels.

If I turn on enhanced trip pages for one trip, does it apply to all of my trips?

No. To ensure that your trip page settings are optimized for the new design, you’ll need to enable the update for each trip. For all new trips created, Enhanced Trip Pages are enabled by default.

Do I have to switch to Enhanced Trip Pages in order to see these changes?

Yes. The feature updates mentioned above are only supported on Enhanced Trip Pages.

My photos in the new trip pages are fuzzy. How do I fix this?

Because Enhanced Trip Pages have larger photo sections, the dimension of the uploaded photo should be larger. We recommend uploading new photos with a larger dimension.

Have questions? We have answers! 😊

Email us at or send us a message via chat.

Have a feature request would make your life easier? Share it with us on our public feature request board.

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