Remote Desktop Connection for PC
Login to SR1 US - Rytebox (for US or AU Clients) or SR1 UK - Rytebox (for UK and EU Clients)
When the node screen appears, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Select Download The RDP File.
Click the Node Icon. This will download the SR1.rdp file for the node you use to access SR1.
Save the RDP file to your desktop or other accessible place on your PC.
Add your User name
Edit the RDP File's Display Settings
If you are on a Windows 10 or Earlier Machine
Right Click on the icon and select edit
If you are on a Windows 11 Machine
Right Click on the Icon Select Show more options
Select Edit
Change the Display Settings
Click the General Tab
Click Save
Click Connect
In the next box that pops up check Don't ask me again for connections to this computer, click connect again.
In the next box that pops up enter your SR1 Password when prompted.
Click OK
Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac
Note that MRD is now technically called "Windows App" on Macs
If you do not have Microsoft Remote Desktop installed on your machine, please download from the App Store and install on your machine.
Login to SR1 US - Rytebox (for US or AU Clients) or SR1 UK - Rytebox (for UK and EU Clients).
When the node screen appears, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Select Download the RDP File
Click the Node Icon. This will download the SR1.rdp file for the node you use to access SR1.
Open the RDP file in MRD by either double clicking the file OR opening MRD and going to "Connections" in the top menu bar, selecting "Import from RDP file..." and navigating to the file you downloaded.
If you double clicked on the downloaded RDP file it will automatically open, and prompt you to enter your Username and Password. When inputting your username, please include “SR1DC\” before your username. After entering your credentials, select Continue.
At this point, you will connect to SR1.
Once the RDP file is set up in MRD / Windows App, you can configure the remote desktop, including adding your login credentials and connecting the app to folders on your computer. To configure your RDP node either right click on the node and select "Edit" OR go to "Connections" in the top menu bar and select "Edit PC"
To add your user credentials, click the drop down menu next to Credentials and select "Add Credentials...". Enter “SR1DC\” and then your username, and fill in your password
When uploading or downloading from the Remote Desktop Connection, you have to locate the files on your computer to upload them and you can save them in any desired location on your computer when you download files as well. There is also a much larger capacity for large files to be downloaded or uploaded in this way, including sales and statements.