Prepare the Contact Template
Download the SR1 Contacts Import Template from the SR1 Templates Menu
Once the import is downloaded, open the file in Excel
Fill out as much information pertaining to your contacts that you would like to include in their contact record. The only required field is “Contact Name” - this field has a purple header
Contact Name is how this Contact will be referred to systemwide
The additional field definitions can be found on the instructions tab of the template
When you’re done filling out the template, Save and Close the document
Import Contacts
Once the template is filled out, go to the Import Menu in SR1
Select "Import Contacts"
In the pop up window click This PC > Navigate to the Remote Desktop Virtual Drive > Open the Uploads folder > Select the template you uploaded > Click Open
In the box that pops up, double check that contacts are being imported and click "Import"
Your new contacts will now appear in the contacts section of SR1.
This article describes how to import contacts in bulk into SR1 using the Contact Template.

Written by Sara
Updated over a year ago