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Setting up Amazon WorkDocs
Setting up Amazon WorkDocs

How to log in to and access Amazon WorkDocs

Sara avatar
Written by Sara
Updated over 12 months ago

Amazon WorkDocs is a secure service that enables seamless transfers of large, high-volume files. RyteBox uses it to share client files with clients and their representatives, including payment files, statements, analytics data, etc.

Please note there are permissions requirements and Amazon Work Docs allows us to share entire folders or just sub-folders and files, along with view only access vs editing access.

There are two primary types of Client Access:

  1. Single File Client Access - One login, one client file linked to one SR1 file

  2. Multi-File Client Access - One login, multiple client files linked to multiple SR1 files

  1. Single-File Client Access: Request & Permission

    Access to a single SR1 client file and corresponding WorkDocs folder.

    Request Access

    1. Send an email to requesting access to Work Docs

      Please include:

      1. Details of Person Requesting Access:

        1. Company Name

        2. First Name

        3. Last Name

        4. Email Address

      2. Folder Access

        1. Client Folder Name / Sub-Folder / Filename

        2. Include direct links if possible

      3. Level of Access that you would like to grant:

        1. Read Only Permission

        2. Edit/Read/Write Permissions

    1. You will receive a reply informing you that access has been granted via email

  2. Single-File Client Access: Login to SR1 Work Docs

    Login to Work Docs using SR1 Username/Password

    1. Enter the email address connected to your SR1 login in the first window

    2. Enter the Username and Password that you use to login to SR1 in order to login to the corresponding client file on WorkDocs on the second window

      1. Once you register and log in, folders shared with you will be accessible from the "Collaborate" option at the top.

      2. If you forget your login credentials, you can retrieve them from the login screen at

Reminder, if you change your SR1 password then you must remember to enter the new one when logging into WorkDocs.


  1. Multi-File Client Access: Request & Permission

    1. Access multiple client files in SR1 and therefore multiple client files in Work Docs folder

      Request Access

      1. Send an email to requesting access to Work Docs

        Please include:

        1. Details of Person Requesting Access:

          1. Company Name

          2. First Name

          3. Last Name

          4. Email Address

        2. Folder Access

          1. List of Client Folder Names / Sub-Folders / Filenames

          2. Include direct links if possible

        3. Level of Access that you would like to grant:

          1. Read Only Permission

          2. Edit/Read/Write Permissions

      1. You will receive a reply informing you that access has been granted via email, including:

        1. A new email address to use when logging into SR1 Work Docs

        2. A temporary password to use when logging into SR1 Work Docs

          1. Change password after first login attempt

  2. Multi-File Client Access: Login to SR1 Work Docs

    Login to Work Docs using New Email & Password

    1. Enter the email address that you received in your Permission email in the first window

      1. Note that the email address you receive will only be for login purposes, and not for otherwise receiving or sending emails.

    1. Use the same Email and Password that you received in the Permissions email and login to SR1 Work Docs.


  1. Accessing Amazon WorkDocs:

    You can access WorkDocs on the web or via the Desktop Drive version**.

    1. You can access Amazon WorkDocs on the web here: Amazon WorkDocs

    2. Download the desktop version here: Amazon WorkDocs Drive

      1. If prompted for a URL when signing in to Drive, you should enter RyteBox (if prompted for partial) or (for full)

** We strongly recommend using the Desktop Drive version because it acts as a regular folder on your desktop, making it easier to navigate and edit files.


  1. Change Password for Work Docs / SR1 Access

    1. Once you have established access into Amazon Work Docs and you can see the files you expected to have access to, we strongly recommend changing the password.

      1. US Server Client Files : SR1 US Server Password Change

      2. UK Server Client Files: SR1 UK Server Password Change

    2. Single-File Client Access Password Change

      1. For clients with one username associated to one SR1 client file with one email address, there is a single login for both SR1 and Work Docs using the username. We highly recommend changing this password upon first use or first login to SR1.

      2. Go to the link above related to your client file (US vs UK) to change the password for the username associated to your SR1 login and Work Docs access.

      3. Enter your SR1 username and associated current password and enter the new one that you would like to change it to.

      4. Please note this will also change your password to login to SR1 as well as Work Docs.

    3. Multi-File Client Access Password Change

      1. Go to the link above related to your client file (US vs UK) to change the password for the new username you may have received for Multi-File access of Work Docs.

      2. Enter the new user email address that was provided to you along with the password that was sent to you as shown below.

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