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Service File Setup
Updated over a week ago

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The Service File Setup page allows you to customize settings applicable to the Service File in Penelope, including the Add Service Wizard and Add Service File functions.

You will need to be logged in as a System Administrator to access the Service File Setup page.

Setting Tab

The Setting tab on the Service File Setup page allows you to configure Service File General, Service File Wizard and Close Reason settings.

General and Service File Wizard Settings

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. Select the Setting tab.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Configure as required. Further information on fields can be found below.

  5. Click Save.

Service File Setup Field Information


  • Apply Service File Filter as Default – If enabled an additional filter appears on the Service File page in the Service Events section.

  • Service File Filter – When Apply Service File Filter as Default is enabled, Service Events will be displayed for the number of days prior to today’s date (days back) and the number of days after today’s date (days forward).

  • Default Group List Filter by User’s Site – When enabled the Group List page will only show Groups assigned to the logged-in Worker’s assigned site. Workers can still adjust the Site Search Criteria option to show Groups from other Sites (subject to Security Settings).

  • Default new Service File Presenting Issues from Intake Summary – When enabled the first three Presenting Issues entered on the Intake Wizard (or subsequently on the Case page > Intake Summary tab) will be copied to the Presenting Issues field/s when enrolling a client in service through Add Service File or Add Service Wizard. The Worker has the option to modify the Presenting Issues even if this option is enabled.

  • User Defined Tab Enabled – When enabled the User Defined tab will be displayed on the Service File page.

  • User Defined Tab Label – The label you would like to use for the User Defined tab on the Service File page.

  • Member User Defined Tab Enabled – When enabled the following fields will display in the Participants section of the Service File page. These fields display directly below any Presenting Issues.

  • Member User Defined Tab Label – The label you would like to use for the Member User Defined fields.

  • Master Default Sliding Sidebar – Select which sidebar (right-hand side navigation) option you would like to have open by default on the Service File page. If the Worker would like to change the global setting they can do so in My Preferences.

  • Display Unit of Measure on Service Unit Drop Down – If Yes is selected the Unit of Measure (UoM) will display next to the Service Unit when displayed in the Service Event Cart. For example:

    • Enabled: “Counselling ($100) 1h

    • Disabled: “Counselling ($100)”

    Note: To prevent a Worker from seeing the price of Service Units enable the Hide Billing Amounts in Case setting in the relevant Security Class. The Worker will be able to add Service Units to the Cart but they will not be able to see the fee attached to the Service Unit.

  • Display warning when booking another case member from a case into the same group – When enabled a warning message will be displayed when a Worker attempts to add an Individual to a Group where another member of that Individual’s Case is already a member.

  • Display Case information on adding Service File notes – When enabled Case information will be displayed in the header section of a Service File Note. The following will be displayed:

    • Case name

    • Service

    • Participant(s)

  • Require Service File Close Reason – When enabled a Close Reasons will be required when closing a Service File. You can configure the list of Closure Reasons on the Service File Setup > Field Setup > Close Reasons page.

  • Allow Future Service File Start Date – This field allows the Worker to create a Service File which will have a start date in the future.

Service File Wizard

  • Default Event Type – The default Event Type to be used when completing the Add Service Wizard. If no default is required select Select (blank).

    Note: You can configure the list of available Event Types on the Event Setup > Field Setup > Event Type page.

  • Default Availability Site to Worker Site – If enabled the default Availability site when using the Add Service Wizard will be the Worker’s assigned site.

  • Default Event Site to Worker Site – If enabled the default Event site when using the Add Service Wizard will be the Worker’s assigned site.

Adding a Close Reason

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. In the Field Setup section select Close Reasons.

  3. In the Active Values section select Add.

  4. Enter the Value.

  5. Click Save.

Editing a Close Reason

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. In the Field Setup section select Close Reasons.

  3. In the Active Values section click the Close Reason you would like to edit.

  4. Edit the Value as required.

  5. Click Save.

Making an Existing Close Reason Inactive

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. In the Field Setup section select Close Reasons.

  3. In the Active Values section click the minus (-) icon next to the Close Reason you want to make inactive.

The Close Reason will be moved to the Inactive Values section if it is in use or deleted if it is not in use.

Making an existing Close Reason Active

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. In the Field Setup section select Close Reasons.

  3. In the Inactive Values section click the plus (+) icon next to the Close Reason you want to make active.

The Close Reason will move to the Active Values section.

User Defined and Member User Defined Tab

On the User Defined tab you can add, edit, activate and deactivate your Service File User Defined fields. User Defined fields are a good tool for capturing additional data where required.

Member User Defined fields are used to capture additional information in the Participants section of the Service File.

Adding a New User Defined field and Marking as In Use/Required

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. On the Service File page select the User Defined/Member User Defined tab.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Choose the field type (Checkbox, Drop Down etc) and enter the Field Name.

  5. Select In Use (this will make the field active in the Service File).

  6. Select Required if applicable.

  7. Repeat Steps 4 and 6 if required.

  8. Click Save.

Editing User Defined Fields and Marking as In Use/Not in Use

Steps 4-6 to be used as required.

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. On the Service File page select the User Defined/Member User Defined tab.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. If you would like to edit a Field Name choose the Field Name you would like to edit and change accordingly.

  5. If you would like to deactivate the field untick In Use (this will make the field inactive in the Service File). Untick Required if applicable.

  6. If you would like to activate the field tick In Use (this will make the field active in the Service File). Tick Required if applicable.

  7. Repeat Steps 4 and 6 if required.

  8. Click Save.

Adding Values for User Defined Drop Downs

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. On the Service File page select the User Defined/Member User Defined tab.

  3. In the Active/Inactive User Defined Field section find the Drop Down field you would like to add values to.

  4. Click Drop Down located to the right of the Field name.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Add the Drop Down value.

  7. Click Save.

Editing Values for User Defined Drop Downs

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. On the Service File page select the User Defined/Member User Defined tab.

  3. In the Active/Inactive User Defined Fields section find the Drop Down field you would like to edit the values of.

  4. Click Drop Down located to the right of the Field name.

  5. Click the Value you would like to edit.

  6. Edit as required.

  7. Click Save.

Make a User Defined Drop Down Value Inactive

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. On the Service File page select the User Defined/Member User Defined tab.

  3. In the Active/Inactive User Defined Fields section click the Drop Down field you would like to deactivate values in.

  4. In the Active Values section click the minus (-) icon of the Value you wish to make inactive.

The Drop Down value will be moved to the Inactive Values section.

Make an Existing User Defined Drop Down Value Active

  1. In the System Setup section select Service File.

  2. On the Service File page select the User Defined/Member User Defined tab.

  3. In the Active/Inactive User Defined Fields section click the Drop Down field you would like to activate values in.

  4. In the Inactive Values section click the plus (+) icon of the Value you wish to make active.

The Drop Down value will be moved to the Active Values section.

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