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Troubleshooting: Cart Items reverting to previous amount after cancelling
Troubleshooting: Cart Items reverting to previous amount after cancelling
Updated over a year ago

What's happening:

After an Event has been cancelled and a percentage of the Cart Item amounts have been applied using a Cancellation Policy, after some time the Cart Items are reverting to their original amounts.

Possible solution:

After an Event is cancelled and a cancellation policy option is used to apply a percentage of a Cart Item's amount, if a Worker then selects Recalculate on the Service Unit itself, or "Recalc. Service Units" in the Billing tab of either the Event or Service File, it will recalculate the amount and it will default to the Service Unit’s full fee or Policy Rate if the payor is a Funder.

To avoid this from happening, for any Events that have a percentage other than 0% applied, it is important to invoice those Events soon after attendance is taken and be cautious when recalculating any Service Units.

For the Events that should have no charges applied to them, it's possible to use the "Replace with" option in the Cancellation policy and replace all charges with a $0 Cart Item, rather than using "Apply 0%". The Recalculation function does not apply to $0 Cart Items, so the $0 charge will remain even if Recalculate is selected for the Event or Service File.

Below is an example of how a $0 might be set up, an example of a Cancellation Policy that uses a $0 Cart Item, and an example of how this will appear in the Event attendance window.

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