We should schedule a quick call just to give you a demo of our platform and go over next steps to write up a campaign agreement.
Our campaign agreement outlines the costs associated with running a specific campaign with us along with your targeting and scale goals. We need to have a campaign agreement signed before we move forward with a campaign.
All we need to move forward with getting an a campaign agreement together is the following:
Your desired influencer amounts you want to activate per ASIN (min 50 influencers/ASIN)
Your desired campaign timeframe (min 2 months)
Links to your products or associated product prices (if products are not live yet).
Once an agreement is signed and our deposit is paid, we will introduce you to a dedicated campaign manager who will begin onboarding you and your team. The onboarding process usually take 3 - 7 days depending on how much back and forth we have developing your custom landing page content.