
Introducing the hyper dynamic interactive production planboard & the German ticketshop & subscribing to mailings.

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Released 22-11-2018

Ai, ai, ai, caramba. What has been released now? Users of the Cool and Awesome package have seen a new tab appearing called ‘Timeline’. This new feature marks the decline of the Excel production sheet ;)

It might seem as if we have only been working on the production planboard called Timeline, but there were also nice other features released, bugs killed and improvements implemented. We didn’t make time to share this with you. So now a recap of work done in the last months.

TL;DR (Too long; Didn’t read)

  • We have introduced a production planboard. You can now create, drag and drop activities in different spaces on a timeline.  

  • Jawohl, the ticket shop and webuser environment of Stager is now also available in German. 

  • Harvest email addresses for mailings through your own website or during the ticket buying process.

The new production plan board

For each event in Stager, you can now create a time schedule of activities related to that event. or example load out / load in, serving dinner, doing a soundcheck, performances, setting up the merchandise stand, a change over between two acts, all these activities can be created in a certain space for a certain duration of time.

You can export several kinds of reports and overviews from the timeline. If an activity is assigned to a person, this activity will appear in his / her personal overview. You can also generate an overview with all activities of that specific event or of a certain space.

These overviews are updated real time so you can share the unique link with a co-worker or a touring artist, and they will always be up to date.

Check the tutorial and screencast that shows all functionality overhere in our Help Centre. 

A summary of all features of the current timeline - more to come!:

  • Creating activities in spaces by clicking and dragging

  • Changing the duration of an activity by clicking and dragging

  • Removing activities from the timeline

  • Dragging and dropping activities to another space and time

  • Changing the color of an activity block

  • Adding notes to an activity, f.e. what meals will be served, or what tech setup is needed. 

  • Adding followers to an activity in order to generate a custom production sheet

  • Swiping through the timeline

  • Zoom in or zoom out to see your activities in more detail or get a better overview of all activities.

  • Predefined moments like f.e. Doors open are marked on the timeline

  • Generating a production sheet of the whole event

  • Generating a production sheet of all activities in a certain space

  • Generation a custom production sheet for a certain relation

  • Sharing a production sheet with an external relation, that is being updated real time. 

  • Printing all production sheets.

German language support

Step by step we are localizing Stager. New is the German language support. If a ticket buyer has set the German language as primary browser language, a German ticketshop will be served. Also mailings are in German / English for people who have bought tickets in a German ticket shop.

Subscribing to mailings

Since the new privacy legislation came into effect a person needs to actively opt in for mailings, so we have introduced different ways to optimize acquiring email addresses in a legal way.

  1. Subscribing to mailings through your own website: the Opt-in API makes it possible for people to fill in their email address in a form on your own website. They will receive a confirmation email and if they confirm that the address is correct, they are brought to a page in Stager where they can opt in for mailings.

  2. Ticket buyers that have not opted in for mailings will be enabled to subscribe during the ticket buying process.

  3. People who log in with Facebook are now also enabled to subscribe for mailings.

Documentation about the Opt-in API is to be found here. Please share this information with your web developer who will know what to do.

Bug fixes and improvements worth mentioning

  • Deleted News items can no longer be selected in Email editor;

  • You can now save information in Admin - Defaults without having to select a default venue;

  • Hospitality items in an Event Template were not transferred to event;

  • Quick creating relations in Tickets - Door Sales used to break on ‘Gender’ since the introduction of a third gender in Stager;

  • Cancelled events can now be selected in Tickets - Ticket Management;

  • There were some issues related to the change of summertime - wintertime;

  • We have changed the sort order if you were searching for events in Tickets - Door Sales.

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