
The Big Feed Machine, Google Tag Manager, Stager app changes and lots of improvements

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Released February 28, 2019

It's been a while since the last official release note. We were not in the Bahama's, swinging our hammocks though, we have been steadily working on more improvements and fixes and we're very happy to announce the release of our Big Feed Machine, support of Google Tag Manager and awesome additions to the Stager app. 

TL;DR (Too long; Didn’t read)

  • We have introduced a new very flexible and self manageable feed. Create more than one publication channel and decide who you want to share it with.

  • Easily share your event info with 3rd parties like Podiuminfo, Rotterdam Uitburo, VVV. More to come. One click, that's all.

  • Google Tag Manager is added! It's now possible to add a Google Tag per ticketshop. 

  • Big Stager app additions; check your timeline, check-in visitors manually and check - and listen to - the new scan sounds :)

The Big Feed Machine

You might have seen the changes in Publicity. Now visible for everyone is Publish to 3rd party with two checkboxes; VVV / Uitburo's & Podiuminfo. What's going on here?
Well, we made it very easy for you to publish your event information directly to:

  • VVV / Uitburo'sChecking this box results means making your event info accessible for the NDTRC, the Nationale Databank voor Toerisme, Recreatie en Cultuur/Uitgaan. The VVV, all the Dutch Uitburo's and Rotterdam Festivals use this database. Rotterdam Festivals and het Nederlands Bureau voor Toerisme & Congressen (NBTC) use this database.The VVV started mapping / localizing incoming content in March 2019. This can take up to a few months. Mapping can only be done when you check the checkbox and start sharing your event info!Rotterdam Uitburo already integrated the NDTRC database with Uitagenda Rotterdam, so if you are a Rotterdam based organization, this checkbox is very valuable for you, as of now! Share your event info with them by checking the checkbox. So easy.Other local Uitburo's first have to set up an integration with the NDTRC database before your event info can be shared with local Uitburo's.

  • PodiuminfoPodiuminfo is one of the most visited platforms for live music in the Netherlands and Belgium. Share your event info and make sure your audience can find you. 

What else is new? 

For everyone working with Stager Awesome: What used to be called Feed is now called Publication channels. The old checkboxes are still visible for everyone using the old feed and one new checkbox is added; Feed. We already created this one for you but you can easily change the name or add extra publication channels in Admin - Feeds. Use this feed to integrate Stager with the CMS of your website or share your event info with the local party agenda or whoever you want to share it with. 

Google Tag Manager

We added the possibility to add a Google Tag per ticketshop. Simply go to Admin - Ticketshops and choose a ticketshop. Add the Google Tag Manager ID and start tagging!

Coster Copy is writing an easy-to read article with the basics of Google Tag Manager explained. It will be added to our Help Center (Online marketing with Stager) soon.

Stager App

The Stager app keeps getting fancier and we're not even done yet! Some more additions will be released soon. But first, this is new:

  • Check the timeline in your app: Did you create a timeline for an event in the Stager backstage? You can now easily check that in the app. Find all activities or filter by space or user. 

  • Settings - Select your own scan sound: Did you get bored with always hearing the same sounds while scanning tickets? Those times are over. Choose one that suits your taste. Classical, dance, gabber, rock.. what do you like?

  • Manually check in guests: Did someone forget their ticket or did their phone get lost on the way to your event? No worries. Find your visitors via the app and check them in manually!


  • SoldOut status is changed in the feed. It didn't match the SoldOut status in the ticketshop. Now when web tickets are sold out the SoldOut status in the feed is changed to true. In the old situation this would only be 'true' when all tickets, including doortickets, were sold out. 

  • Space of location of a shift is added to 'My shifts'.

  • German language is supported in ticketshop and e-mails for visitors who have set their browser language settings to German.

  • VAT changes! As well in the Affiliate sales link info as in Finance the ticket revenue changed due to VAT percentage changes, introduced from 01-01-2019. Tickets sold before 2019 hold 6% VAT in the price, tickets sold after 2019, 9%. We changed this for you. Unless you sold tickets with 21% VAT. Then it's 21% and nothing changed :)

  • A not claimed ticket (tickets without relation) stays RESERVED for only 15 minutes. 

  • It's possible to add an alternative scan time on a ticket. Do you sell day & night tickets for one event? This can be done within the same event. Create a day ticket and a night ticket and adjust the valid scan time in Configure. Tickets can only be scanned during this valid scan time.

  • Stager now supports emoji's and special symbols in all parts of Stager.


  • Fixes for signing up for a newsletter

  • Publicity link in ticketshop now opens in new tab

  • The affiliate sales link ticket revenue of group events is now  calculated excluding VAT

  • Beauty fixes for the external guest list

Thanks for reading :) Until next time.. Tjuss!!

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