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Scanning with the Stager App
Scanning with the Stager App

Scanning tickets at the door

Meer dan een week geleden bijgewerkt

Stager has a Scan App for iOS and Android that allows you to quickly and easily scan the tickets, manage the guest list and see visitor numbers. 

  • Download the app in the App Store here.

  • Download the app in the Play Store here.

  • Download the APK for Android scanners without Play Store (such as Datalogic scanners) here.

  • Download the scan manual in PDF here.

The app works on an iPhone (iPhone 5 and higher), iPod & iPad and works on iOS 13 and higher or an Android device with version 5.1 or higher.

For an iPod, a Wi-Fi connection is required. With regard to iPhone & Android devices, the app works with both Wi-Fi, 4G, 3G and even a GPRS connection.

NOTE: The best scan result is achieved when you use an exclusive connection, so not an overloaded network with hundreds of users.

NOTE: is the app constantly logging out and do you keep having to log in again at the door? Setup a screen lock (PIN code or figure) on the scanning device. The Stager app automatically logs out for security reasons if the device does not have a screen lock.

The app scans both barcodes and QR codes, with the QR code being scanned the fastest.

Scanning tickets

Login with the username and password that you also use for your Stager Backstage account. It is convenient to create a separate scan user and only give it permissions to scan. You do this under Settings - Account - Users, permission: ticket scanning.

Click on Check-in in the app. A list of events appears. What events are visible here can be set under Settings - Ticketing - Defaults -Tickets scan (minutes before program start). Here, you enter how many minutes before it starts an event appears in the scanning list.

  • Select the events and the tickets you want to scan and click Start Scanning at the bottom.

  • Scan with Camera or with Keyboard. Use keyboard for external USB or Bluetooth scanners. Scroll down for more info about connecting Bluetooth scanners.

  • There are three types of notifications. Every notification has a different color and sound:

    Red: bar code is not OK. A notification indicates why, such as ‘Bar code already scanned’ or ‘Bar code unknown’.
    Blue: bar code is OK
    Photo: a personal membership ticket shows the photo of the ticket buyer as a check.

NOTE: Choose your favorite scanning sound under Settings!

Checking in member pass holders

Membership bar codes, or personal bar codes, belong to a relation and can be found under the Memberships tab. A membership entitles you to one or more Membership tickets or guest tickets.

Membership tickets

Membership tickets are discount tickets. A purchased membership ticket is a full-fledged ticket. Show this ticket at the entrance, it is scanned just like other tickets. It is not necessary to have your personal barcode (membership barcode) scanned, and it is not possible to use this for admission. The scanner will not recognize it.

Guest tickets

Guest tickets grant free admission. A membership may entitle you to guest tickets for certain events. This guest ticket can be downloaded in the ticketshop if the ticket type is set to web. A downloaded ticket is the admission ticket and is scanned just like all other tickets. In this case, it is not necessary to have your personal barcode (membership barcode) scanned, and it is not possible to use this for admission. The scanner will not recognize it.

If the ticket type is set to door, members have their personal barcode (membership barcode) scanned at the door to be granted access. In that case, they do not download tickets via the ticket shop. This way, it is possible to print personal bar codes on, for instance, a member card, so that card holders only have to bring their card for admission. 

Scanning with the Stager App

Scanning a personal barcode results in the following screen.

Scanning before the start time of the event

Do you want to scan tickets outside the times of an event? For instance, do you want to scan tickets for an event on Friday even though it is taking place on Sunday, because that is when you are handing out the admission bracelets? Or can visits enter for a dinner at 18:00 even though the event doesn’t start until 20:00? Then set a scan valid time.Go to the Event - Tickets - Edit details, check Add valid scan time on ticket and enter a scanning time.

NOTE: You can scan earlier than the event begins, but you cannot scan later than when the event ends. The number of events that is loaded for this has a limit. 


In the Scanner, you see a menu icon at the top right corner. Click it to see detailed information about the tickets that have just been scanned. The scan list is emptied after each session. You can see an overview with all notifications you have scanned in one session.


For a quick overview per event, you go to Report. Here you can see how many tickets were sold and booked, how many visitors are already inside and how many tickets are still available at a glance.

In this list, you can find events that took place up to one week before today and up to three weeks after today. This is the same list as in Reports - Sales Overview.

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