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Release note November 2020
Release note November 2020

Dashboard, scanned tickets in app, security certificates.

Meer dan een week geleden bijgewerkt

Another fine collection of new features and handy improvements.


  • Dashboard for a quick overview of revenue and ticket sales
    If you solely use Stager for ticket sales, the Dashboard is the best place to start. But also for managers who want a quick insight in their revenue stream and overall ticket sales of the past week or month, this is the place to be :)

    Select the last 7 or 28 days. You can easily jump further back in time. Scroll down and you'll see your upcoming events with tickets on sale and the progress of its ticket sales.

  • Filter out multiday events of calendar
    An additional filter setting for the calendar: filter out multiday events. To keep your month calendar clearly arranged hide all multiday events in your calendar. Especially useful when you sell annual memberships.

  • New security certificates added for personnel
    Easily find your certified personnel when scheduling them for shifts! In Marketing - Contacts you add a security certificate to personnel. When planning personnel, their name will have a little icon behind it, so you can make sure that there is enough certified personnel working that night.

    It was already possible to add a First Aid icon to personnel shifts. Now, there are more options:

  • Stager app: amount of scanned tickets per event
    On top of the scan results in the Stager app you find the amount of scanned tickets for that event. This way you'll know how many visitors are already inside and how many tickets still have to be scanned. All events that are selected for check-in are displayed here.

Note: New version for Android is available Friday, version for Iphone can already be updated.

  • Stager app: select front-facing camera
    Looking for a corona proof way to check in your visitors? Well, that's a piece of cake with the new camera mode setting in the Stager app. Select the setting front-facing camera so you can attach your scan devices to the wall and your visitors can check in themselves!


  • The sort order of all ticket shops, including the default ticket shop can be changed. If you use a custom ticket shop as main ticket shop you won't have to select that custom ticket shop for every event. Simply put the ticket shop you use most at the top in Settings - Ticketing - Ticket shop.

  • Event information in the mail composer: the 'Info' header above the event details (date, time, location) is removed and the date and time of the event are now always in English.

  • The sort order of the event selection in Door sales has changed. It now shows the first upcoming event on top.

  • The button on dialog box for deleting an event has changed. It said 'Cancel event' instead of 'Delete event'.


  • Small change when finding contacts via Search advanced using the Modified between and Created between fields. Modified between now only finds contacts that have actually been modified and no longer contacts that have been created on entered dates.

  • The Mailings overview that shows a list of sent mails per contact wasn't updated correctly when more than 10 mailings were sent.

  • When a ticket buyer entered a date of birth in their personal account, it seemed like it wasn't saved correctly. It was, but now that's also clear for the ticket buyer.

  • It's again possible to delete revenue tracking from an event once it's added to a template.

  • Outlook resizes images sent with a Stager mailing to good looking proportions.

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