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Release note February 2021
Release note February 2021

Sales graphs & compare events, improvements and bugs

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Fancy sales graphs per event

You can find some new reports and we have renamed and moved some existing reports to new locations. Sales insights contains the sales overview and two new graphs; Sales graph per event and Compare events. Marketing insights contains the demographic data about your audience and the sales exports are the familiar .xlsx reports that can be download to your computer.

Sales per event

Shows a quick overview of your revenues, amount of paid and free tickets and how they were sold. Switch between a cumulative graph and a per day overview and use your mouse to hoover over the daily bars for specific results.

To know how much effect your email campaigns have on your ticket sales, we included a red marker that indicates the moment you sent a mail with a linked event (added by single / double column). That was the moment your ticket sales went up! ;)

Below the graph you'll find the Sales per day and Sales per ticket type table for a more complete understanding of your sales.

Compare events

See how your ticket sales is doing in comparison with other events, for example how fast you are selling out your festival this year in comparison with last year and the year before. This way you know if you're on track or need to pull some extra marketing strings to achieve the same results.


  • Service fees are added to the revenue on the sales overview page.

  • We added a summary of sales on top of the Dashboard. Now you have a quick overview of the amount of tickets sold or issued and how much money it put in your pocket.


  • Generating audience for the visitor overlap on Marketing insights didn't work anymore. It kept loading forever instead of generating audience.

  • The overlap notification on the Main tab that indicates wether events are planned at the same moment in the same location and space, didn't check by space. So there seemed to be a lot of overlap while events took place in different spaces.

  • We added extra validation to the Refund-or-donate tool. Ticket buyers entering the example ticket code or ticket codes with spaces, would get a big error screen instead of a clear notification of what they were doing wrong.

  • Clicking on the ticket sales bar on the tickets tab now leads to the sales insights page of the same event.

  • The contact importer would switch the column 'Organization' with 'Job'.

  • Changes on ticket tab in series that should be applied to all events in the serie were only saved for the current event.

  • You first had to save a new created multiday event before being able to link events. Now you can save a new multiday event with linked events in one move.

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