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Refunding purchased tickets

Performing refunds manually and automatically

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This article is about changes effective from July 1, 2021.
With a few clicks you refund tickets directly from the backstage and without intervention of the Stager administration. Easily and quickly arranged.

The new way: refunding via 'Refunds'

Refunds via Stager are fully automated. You can still choose to make a refund manually รณr you can choose to refund money immediately through an automated process.

A refund is started in one of the following ways:

  • In Ticket management you click on Refund all.
    Useful when an event is canceled. We filter out all tickets that cannot be refunded by Stager.

  • In Ticket management, select the tickets you want to refund and click Actions - Refund.

  • Search for an order via Orders, select the tickets you want to refund and click on Actions - Refund.
    Useful for refunding an order that contains tickets for multiple events.

In the next step you select whether you want the refund to be performed Automatically by Stager or Manually by me. You can choose to refund the entire ticket price plus service fee or just the ticket price.

Automatically by Stager

For these refunds the order is given by a user but the actual refund is performed by Stager in the background. On the next page you will see:

  • Tickets selected for refund: number of tickets you have selected.

  • Tickets to refund: the number of selected tickets selected minus the number of tickets that are filtered out and cannot be refunded by Stager.

  • Total amount to be refunded incl. / excl. service fee: the total amount that will be refunded.

  • Refunds costs incl. VAT: the Stager costs for carrying out the refund. The costs will be debited directly from your account and the monthly overview of refund costs can be found on the Receipt as well as in Reports.

  • Account balance: the amount of money that is currently in your account.

  • Minimum balance: the amount that must remain on your account and can not be used for refunds.

  • Refund request by: the person who orders the refund.

  • Description: add information if necessary, which can be found on the Refunds page.

It is possible to immediately block tickets when refunding and thus invalidating them, or refunding them only. The refunded amount will be on the ticket buyer's bank account within three days at the latest.

NOTE: A new ticket is generated for each blocked ticket. If you don't want new tickets to be available for purchase, make sure your ticket sales are offline!

There are several reasons why tickets are filtered out. You may have to refund these tickets manually. Tickets are:

  • Bought at the door

  • Swapped with Ticketswap

  • Purchased more than 180 days ago with a credit card

  • Blocked

  • Imported

  • Already refunded

  • Paid with our previous payment service provider MSP

NOTE: If for some reason a ticket cannot be refunded by Stager after the order to refund has already been put into effect, we will always let you know by e-mail. You can also find failed refunds on the Refunds page.

Manually by me

In some cases it will be necessary to perform a manual refund, for example when a ticket is filtered out because it can not be refunded by Stager. In the backstage you go through almost the same process as with an automatic refund, except that no money is refunded when you click on Refund and block tickets or Refund tickets. This only ensures that the registration is correct and that your reports and graphs in Stager are correct. You transfer the amount from your account to the ticket buyer's account.

You can choose from several Refund methods to correctly register the refund:

  • Cash: refunded with cash

  • Bank transfer: bank transfer

  • Card: refunded to debit card

  • Invoice: credit invoice sent

  • Rebooking: ticket exchanged for another ticket

Stager does not charge any costs for manual refunds.


Under Ticketing - Refunds you will find an overview of all refunds that have been made, both Automatically by Stager and Manually by me. You can also find failed refunds here with a reason for failure. You will always be informed of this by e-mail too.

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