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Release note December 2021
Release note December 2021

Improving the mailer, integration with ShowFigures and apple wallet update

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The development team made the first improvements of the mailer. Beside improving the mailer there also done some overall improvements in the use of the backstage. Read all about it down below.

The whole Stager team wishes you a happy 2022 with hopefully a lot of events to enjoy! 🎉🎆

Mailer updates 📩:

  • We made the padding smaller for the divider component

  • An email filter was added to sent list. You can now quickly find your mailing back

  • To fit the filter, the mailer now loads in the last 25 sent mails. When clicking on load more another 25 mails show up

  • The email templates are now sortable. Put your most used template at the top for quick access

  • You can choose which user sends out the email or is the reply to email. Of course the default email from your email settings is still available


  • A yellow bar with the save and cancel buttons are added to long pages, no longer needed to scroll all the way down on these pages

  • We changed the 'Event ID' to 'Accounting ID'. This makes it possible to make an integration with ShowFigures

  • Value is now optional to fill in on the finance tab of event

  • The day total is now available in the daily results of the dashboard


  • 📅Multiday events with a countdown now show the start and end date when having a countdown

  • 🎫When adding tickets to apple wallet it you now add all tickets to your wallet when buying multiple tickets (This is only available from iOS 15)

  • 🟢Footer text of defaults mails now use the correct color instead of the background color making it always readable

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