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Release note February 2022
Release note February 2022

Bug fixes and improvements

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February was characterized by lots of small fixes and minor improvements, next to some under the hood maintenance and a feature.


  • The Stager Backstage has a new login screen. The link to login is for all organizers the same. If you use the old link you will be redirected to the new login page.

  • You can write your own personalized text on the ticket download page. This text is shown just above the ticket download button. You change this per ticketshop in the ticketshop settings.

  • All emails have become monolingual and the ticket shop has been localized. Your ticket buyers and employees can select their language in the ticket shop (NL/EN/DE) and then receive all automatic e-mails in this language.

  • It's possible to delete images in the ticket shop, on the ticket tab, memberships, ticket settings and publicity tab. Before images could only be replaced, if you wanted no image, you'd had to upload a blank image. Now just delete them!


  • Remove double padding in email components, so mails look better without extra white space.

Bug fixes

  • SecureSwap setting on ticket tab is no longer ignored when creating an event from a template

  • Can again add guests to guest list via importer

  • It's no longer possible to double click on the 'refund' or 'refund and block tickets' button, so no refunds can be executed twice (of which one will always fail)

  • Sales end time as set in event templates are used (instead of program start time)

  • Subscribe link in mailing behaved inconsistent, now it's all good

  • Notes would get filtered out when event type or status were used as a filter. Since notes never have an event type or status, notes would never be shown with one of these filters on. Concerning notes, these two filters are now ignored

  • Overlap graph showed only one overlapping ticket, even when more tickets had overlap.

  • Events with only membership tickets on sale were not shown in ticketshop in the list with other events.

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